About Me

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Kevin and I have been married for 19 years. We have two heart grown children from the United States,adopted at birth, Garrett 16 and Morgan 14, one heart grown child from Ukraine in 2008, Justin age 13. We also have two dogs, Mattie and Halley, adopted from the local animal shelter. Adoption is close to our family's heart.

Monday, December 1, 2008

One More Tree To Kill

Pam is supposed to pick up Justin's passport on Tuesday and take the ten-hour "shake & bake" train ride back to Kiev that night. From there, it's off to the US embassy for the last pieces of the Mount Everest sized pile of paper that the adoption process requires to be complete. It's not a very "green" system; we have killed a forest of trees in the last seventeen months. One more to go!

Pam and Justin are scheduled to fly home on Friday getting into LAX late that night. Please pray that God will allow the paperwork to be complete and for them to come home on Friday to the family that desperately misses them.

1 comment:

Stephanee&Zach said...

Woo hoo!!! Getting closer! I am so excited that you are nearing the home stretch and am praying that all the final stages go smoothly. It is like a breath of fresh air just to get back to Kiev and to go to the Embassy. Enjoy the rest of your time - you really will miss it once you are home even though I know that is hard to imagine now!!

The Gift of Adoption

The Gift of Adoption

A very inspiring video! Please scroll to the bottom of our blog and turn off the music before you push play on the video. This way you will avoid having sound on both features.