About Me

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Kevin and I have been married for 19 years. We have two heart grown children from the United States,adopted at birth, Garrett 16 and Morgan 14, one heart grown child from Ukraine in 2008, Justin age 13. We also have two dogs, Mattie and Halley, adopted from the local animal shelter. Adoption is close to our family's heart.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Small World

It's a small world. (Sorry if the song starts running through your head.) A co-worker of mine came to me last week asking me about hosting an orphan in his home for a couple weeks this summer. He and his wife were approached by their church and agreed to host a little girl and he wanted my feedback from my experience. I smiled and said be prepared to fall in love. These children are starved for love and family. They crave a Dad and Mom who will love them and keep them. I asked him if they were looking to adopt and he said no, they just want to host. I smiled again and told him "that's what I said too."

I am praying for my friend that he and his wife will love that little girl. I pray that I have been a good witness and that they will consider adoption if their hosting experience goes well.

"Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven." Matthew 5:16

1 comment:

Phira said...

Nice blog site, guys. We will continue to lift you and your kids up in prayer!

The Gift of Adoption

The Gift of Adoption

A very inspiring video! Please scroll to the bottom of our blog and turn off the music before you push play on the video. This way you will avoid having sound on both features.