About Me

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Kevin and I have been married for 19 years. We have two heart grown children from the United States,adopted at birth, Garrett 16 and Morgan 14, one heart grown child from Ukraine in 2008, Justin age 13. We also have two dogs, Mattie and Halley, adopted from the local animal shelter. Adoption is close to our family's heart.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Greerwald's Adoption Vacation

It is 3am in the morning not a soul in sight...and the thunder rolls... Well not really, but I have been singing that song in my head since 3am. It is 3:45am now. I can't sleep anymore and besides that is all we will be doing for the next several hours. I am excited to travel. We had a group sleep over in our bed last night with the kids. Garrett said we were going to need a bed upgrade to a king bunk when we bring two more kids home! Morgan got choked up about us leaving and said how much she was going to miss us. That almost made me start crying too. We reminded her that it was only going to be a few weeks. We also shared with her that, that is what "V" and "D" feel all the time. They miss having a mommy and daddy. We reassured her she was doing a good thing by allowing God and friends to comfort her during this time. Garrett will probably throw a party for a couple of days and then he will start missing us too. Funny how they are both so different!

The new chapter in our journey begins today. We will be in Ukraine by 4:20pm on Tuesday. We should have a day to recover from traveling before our SDA appointment if all goes according to plans. We were told someone should pick us up at the airport and if someone isn't there ask someone to help us call him. It just occurred to me we speak English!

We have decided to take Matt's advice and be in the 3rd person, spectators! This way nobody gets hurt. Our vacations always resemble National Lampoon's Vacations and we call ourselves the Greerwalds! Why should our adoption be any different. This time we will call our adventure National Lampoon's Adoption Vacation. We are sure we will meet lots of Cousin Eddies along the way! Sorry this isn't a deep spiritual post but what do you expect at 3:00am. Stay tuned for the adventure, you won't want to miss it.


Elaine said...

Kevin & Pam, You may remember us from SLPC in Huntersville. We have 2 bio daughters and 2 daughters adopted from China. (Only 1 was home when you were at church with us.) We're excited about following your adoption journey to Ukraine. We'll be praying for God's wisdom and peace as you travel and meet your children. In Christ, Elaine

Lou said...

Prayers for a safe and smooth journey! Go get those kids! I am excited to follow your adventure.

Conethia and Jim Bob said...

Remember the Griswald's European Vacation, lets hope you don't spend the first days in Ukraine at the wrong person's appartment. LOL!! I'm sure you'll be fine. I hope your trip is a smooth one. Best of luck.

Connie said...

LOL! Who would have guessed that 'cousin Eddie' transcends culture and language? Ha!

You have some very exciting and tiring days ahead of you--don't forget to keep God's perspective in the FRONT of your mind!!! He is faithful--in any language or culture! Blessings!!!!!

adopting2fromUkraine said...

The facilitators there are experts at taking care of us adoptive parents.

Looking forward to your posts from Ukraine:)


Laurel said...

We are praying that your European Vacation goes without any hitches or surprises. Enjoy your time there. There will be lots of time for prayer, take advantage of it. :-)

Tami said...

Can't wait to follow your adoption vacation. Hang on! You're in for quite a ride. ;>)

Lucky-Lover said...

Kevin and Pam,

Have a safe trip. I will be thinking of you and will pray that everything works out with D. Looking forward to reading about your journey and your return.
It's been a long tough road, but the rewards of two wonderful children joining your amazing family will all be worth it.

Lots of love,

I am Mom said...

so funny pam! I wanted to give you a hug on Sunday but missed you. You are in our thougths and prayers - really!

Zack, Jenn and William said...

Praying for safe travels, can't wait to read that you've arrived :)

junglemama said...

I wish you the very best! How exciting! I hope you are able to post-- I can't wait to read.

The Gift of Adoption

The Gift of Adoption

A very inspiring video! Please scroll to the bottom of our blog and turn off the music before you push play on the video. This way you will avoid having sound on both features.