About Me

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Kevin and I have been married for 19 years. We have two heart grown children from the United States,adopted at birth, Garrett 16 and Morgan 14, one heart grown child from Ukraine in 2008, Justin age 13. We also have two dogs, Mattie and Halley, adopted from the local animal shelter. Adoption is close to our family's heart.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The Fort

Yesterday, Kim and I went to "The Fort". It was a pretty amazing and beautiful. The fort is over 2500 years old! Can you imagine that it was built before Christ even walked the earth? We even saw original cannon balls lying around and the cannons. The fort is right alongside of the Black Sea. It was cloudy out and cold. Kim took a picture of the "Original Restroom". It was too gross for me to ever want to remember! A disgusting hole in the ground that smelled worse than horrible!!!!


Kevin and Pam said...

Did the "toilet" remind you of cousin Eddie??? LOL

Love you and miss you,

adoptedthree said...

That is a pretty cool fort!

adopting2fromUkraine said...

Hi Pam,

I recognized three sisters in your pictures from another blog I'm following. There were other families at our daughter's orphanage that we never ran into. We were just there at different times.

Hope the time passes quickly for you. It is a great time to do some sightseeing. You won't have any time after the 10 days is up. You'll be running!


The Gift of Adoption

The Gift of Adoption

A very inspiring video! Please scroll to the bottom of our blog and turn off the music before you push play on the video. This way you will avoid having sound on both features.